4.8.17 Salt atmoshere (corrosion) (see 3.21). Circuit breakers shall be tested in accordance with method 101 of
MIL-STD-202. The following details shall apply:
Test condition - B.
Examination after exposure - Applicable hardware shall be removed at the conclusion of the test. Circuit
breakers shall be examined for corrosion or evidence of mechanical and electrical damage.
Tests after salt atmosphere test - Circuit breakers shall be subjected to the following tests:
(1) Dielectric withstanding voltage (see 4.8.3).
(2) Calibration at 200 percent rated current (see
4.8.18 Temperature rise (see 3.22). One hundred percent rated current (see 3.1) shall be applied to circuit
breakers for 1 hour. Circuit breakers shall not trip and the temperature rise of the terminals shall be determined.
4.8.19 Interrupting capacity (see 3.23). Circuit breakers shall be connected to the power source with leads
consisting of insulated wires of the size corresponding to the current rating of the circuit breaker; leads are not to be
more than 4 feet in length. The applicable rupture current specified (see 3.1) at the corresponding open-circuit
voltage and frequency specified shall be measured at the power source with the circuit breaker and its test leads
replaced by temporary connections having negligible impedance compared to the test circuit. The test leads and
terminals shall be as specified on figure 1.
For ac operation, unless otherwise specified (see 3.1), the circuit breakers shall be tested with essentially a resistive
load. Single pole breakers shall be subjected to three operations (duty cycle) as shown on figure 3. The operation
for multipole circuit breakers shall follow the pattern of operation as shown for two pole and three pole circuit breakers
For dc operation, the circuit breakers shall be tested with direct current using a test circuit having a resistive load.
The circuit and operations (duty cycle) of the tests shall be as shown on figure 6, figure 7, and figure 8, respectively.
During interrupting capacity tests, after each operation, the open-circuit voltage specified shall be maintained across
the breaker for a minimum of 5 seconds. There shall be sufficient time between each operation (not less than 10
minutes) to permit proper cooling of the circuit breaker. Circuit breakers that are not capable of being mechanically
reset within 10 minutes shall be rejected. The 30 ampere fuse connected to the mounting plate shall not be ruptured
during the tests. When applicable (see 3.1), a suitable method shall be employed to test the auxiliary contacts
(see The circuit breakers shall be observed for automatic tripping and satisfactory operation of the auxiliary
contacts. Following the last operation (of the duty cycle) circuit breakers shall be subjected to the following tests:
Dielectric withstanding voltage (see 4.8.3).
Calibration at 200 percent rated current (see
Resistance or impedance, main contacts only (see 4.8.6).
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